High possibility of getting a couple of these, first thing when i have a place to call my own.
Baring sambil menonton wayang gambar teknologi HD lengkap dengan sistem bunyi terkini, ditemani jus minuman segar, kerepek kentang dan popcorn, dibawah tiupan syahdu penghawa dingin panasonik. Tadah tangan dan aminkan cepat. Doa tu, bukan berangan.
Baring sambil menonton wayang gambar teknologi HD lengkap dengan sistem bunyi terkini, ditemani jus minuman segar, kerepek kentang dan popcorn, dibawah tiupan syahdu penghawa dingin panasonik. Tadah tangan dan aminkan cepat. Doa tu, bukan berangan.
Ayat-ayat dibawah dipetik dari sini http://www.doofindustries.com.
The sun is always a little brighter, the economy is great, nothing needs stimulating, politicians are friends and gas prices, well, we don't use gas here, we only let it out. There are no real words to describe the feeling of Doof. You just have to experience it yourself. When you sit on it, it's like time stands still, everything is peaceful, you feel warm and fuzzy, problems are solved and you almost feel one with divinity.
Trust us we've seen grown men cry on a Doof.
Imran Syafik
Doof, doof, kebabum..
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